time is running out

We've all done this before: We miss out on opportunities and then overthink them. Did I do the right thing? Should I have? Could I have? Obviously, I do that quite a lot. Ha.
I know I can't sit around and wait for things to happen to me. It just doesn't work that way. And lately, I’ve decided that I would rather take a risk than wonder "what if?" for the next ten years.
While researching a project I found a religious website that was totally off the mark, but still made me think. The pastor's list of lies that we tell ourselves had everything to do with religious conversion- of course- but they seemed applicable to everyday life, too:
I don't have time. I can't do the things that I really want to do, because there just isn't enough time in the day/I'm too busy/I have to work. I have a BIG problem with this one, and a hard time leaving my notebook to go take a walk, swim or go to yoga. Because you know. If I left for an hour the entire work ethic would break down. Silly. You can take time to do things that make you feel good and look good without screwing up your deadlines.
I have plenty of time. I'll get to what I need to do…later. Wait too long to accomplish your life goals, and time will run out. The best thing you can do for you is to jump in with both feet. It may not work out. It may be the best thing that ever happened to you. But you'll never know unless you take the plunge. And if you wait too long, that day-to-day rut becomes a bad habit that just gets harder and harder to break.
No one will ever know. I can break laws, forego moral responsibility and generally do whatever I feel like doing, when no one is watching. Not good for you, not good for your karma. What goes around, comes around, and it will all come back on you somehow, some way.
I'm too young. I don't need to worry about retirement, saving money or paying off my debt. The years, oh, the years pass by like a blink- and if you're not prepared, you may end up working until you're 90- and then some.
I'm too old. Nah. You're never too old to do the things you really want to do. Do what makes you happy, and makes those around you happy, while you're young- at any age- and still have all of your physical and mental capabilities. My parents are struggling with the physical aspect of it now, as they enter their 70's. But man, all the way through their 60's they had a hell of a time traveling the world and partying with friends and family. And they'll keep doing as much as they can, for as long as they can. And they still seem very young to me.
I went to a psychic a while ago. I still haven't written about it, that will take some time, but it was pretty amazing. Everything she told me has come to fruition, except something she told me about one relationship. Something she told me that really hit home: if you don't deal with all of your demons, disagreements with other people and unresolved feelings for another in this life… You'll be dealing with it all over again in the next life, too. Ouch. Who needs it? I think the lesson here is pretty simple: let the bad stuff go, so you can move on. And grab the good stuff while we still have a chance, too.
After all. What have you got to lose? Pride? Dignity? Trust me. They're both overrated.