
I often think about the karmatic implications of the time continuum.

One example: A client was telling me about some business that went away and I told him exactly what I believe: it probably went away because you needed to be available to take on some other work and be open to other opportunities. And in fact, he has been busily working on other projects ever since.

And one day this summer, while visiting family in Oregon, I drove 60 miles across a mountain range only to find the road was out less than 10 miles from my destination. An enormous, centuries-old tree had fallen and blocked the road. Then, a car came careening around the bend and smashed into the tree. This happened just before I arrived.

I was upset. I mean 60 miles that includes going up and down a mountain is not like driving 60 miles to Dayton. It takes time. There were people waiting for me at the end of the road, and I didn’t even have phone service to tell them why I was so late until I’d almost completed the round trip back to town. Then, I had to start the trek all over on a different rural route, and it was hours before I showed up, tired and stressed out.

But the first thing that popped into my mind when the EMT told me I’d have to turn around was, thank goodness it wasn’t me. I was driving fast. Faster than the hairpin turns allow. I’ve driven that road in rain, sleet and after dark and I know it like the back of my hand. When that happens, you get a little too confident in the driver’s seat. A little too forgetful about the dangers that lurk in nature, potentially appearing at any moment in time.

I was in a really bad car accident more than a decade ago. I still remember the scene officer telling me, “’nother inch and you wouldn’t be here.” As it was, my tiny sports car was pushed into a ditch, with the pick-up truck that hit me on top of my car. So yes, the accident caused me a number of problems, then and now, but on the whole. It could have been worse. Much worse.

If you feel like you’ve missed out on something, consider the karmatic implications. Maybe you lost the job, were late to the meeting or missed the phone call for a reason. You may never know the reason why. But if only good things happened to good people, we’d never learn any life lessons. Accept what’s happening around you as part of your purpose, and maybe it will start to make more sense.

And if you lie, cheat, steal or treat other people badly, well. Karma will find you, too. One thousand fold.

I believe that more than anything.


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