Getting Around Portland: Smart Trips

Just after getting settled in, I found a postcard in my mailbox from the Portland Office of Transportation. The card directed me to a website, where I was able to order a ton, I mean a ton of free stuff pertaining to getting around my neighborhood and Portland in general. The packet also included a lot of information about wellness and conservation.
The Portland Office of Transportation is providing the kits free of charge to encourage people to rideshare, walk, bike or take the bus instead of driving everywhere in our big honking SUVs. There are different versions of the kit depending upon which Portland neighborhood you live in, but my kit includes:
Tote bag
Umbrella (this would have come in handy the other day when it rained and hailed at the same time!)
Calendar of 2008 SmartTrips Events, which include a series of walks, bike rides, classes and clinics related to bicycling
SW Portland Walking Map with Bike Map and transit routes
Portland Bikeway Maps, more detailed information on bicycle classes for women and bike clinics
TriMet bus schedules that I selected online
Lots more info on TriMet and the MAX streetcar, too
zipcar rental information
Tips to save on gas and decrease global warming
Free wellness classes
Local businesses in the SW area worth walking to
Information about swimming pools and parks in Portland
The Portland By Cycle kit
Two free water conservation kits, with adapters for the hose and the bathroom + more
Information about laws pertaining to bicycling and pedestrians, who rule the roads here
And so, so much more. The tote bag was to be delivered by a volunteer on bicycle and I was hoping to get a pic, but unfortunately I wasn’t home when he/she dropped by. There are limits on the numbers they have to give away, so order your free kit from the Portland Office of Transportation very soon.