IMing Part I

Especially since our parents didn't prepare us for this eventuality.
Even if they divorced,
Usually it's "a" divorce.
Not like how things are for us.
Not that this is their fault;
Or their responsibility~
Just interesting to think about.
Our parents never told us we'd have to go through several painful break-ups during the course of our lives, because it was different for them.
It sucks. I mean, who ever thought we’d be going through this shit at this age? I thought I’d have my future wrapped up when I was 24.
That’s what I thought when I was 12, anyway.
And the people who did wrap it up all seem to be on the verge. Telling me they are unhappy. Talking about when they will be divorced. Cheating. Or they are already divorced. I only know of a handful of people who really seem to have found what they needed. And made it stick.
It never ends.
Or does it?