rotten neighbors

A “religious cult” operating out of a residence on NW Kearney terrifies nearby neighbors.
A guy who gets “very angry at anyone who does yard work” on NW Lovejoy. This may be the same guy who is also called a “terrible, loud alcoholic” on the same street.
The most fantastic news man to ever broadcast news works at one lucky neighbor’s location on SW Naito. “Just make sure not to acknowledge, greet or touch him if you pass him on the sidewalk around here. Most of us are not worthy of his gaze.”
In addition to posting complaints, rotten neighbor also encourages comments from site members. A complaint about a homeless man who hangs out at Pioneer Square Park, eyeballing someone with a “JuJu eyeball” while they try to enjoy their morning Starbucks latte netted these comments from helpful site visitors:
JuJu eyeball? Is he a freaking warlock or something?
Have coffee somewhere else...or be nice, give him a new set of clothes and a hot cup of coffee. Try being nice, not some stuck up ho.
My guess is where the little green house is. I don't know which homeless guy he is referring to because that max stop is usually swarming with them.
The rotten neighbor website helpfully integrates information about sex offenders in the area, too.
For more info about skank alerts, rude parkers and awesome peeps in your town, check out rotten neighbor.