oregon craft beer month

I've always been a bit of a "beer snob," according to my friend Anna. Yup, it's probably true. I'll take a Rogue Dead Guy, a Skinny Dip or a Full Sail Ale over a non-microbrewery beer any day of the week. And since I've moved to Oregon, I've already found several new favorites, including Laurelwood Free Range Red and Drop Top Amber Ale. I practically dropped to my knees when I saw the microbrew selection at Fred Meyer on Barbur. Instead, I just stood there in awe until the distributor stocking one of the shelves laughed and said, "impressive, huh?"
The Oregon Craft Beer Month celebrates beer snobs by giving them more than 100 special events at Oregon breweries throughout the month of July. In addition, grocery stores everywhere will be getting in on the fun by providing beer tastings.
Learn more about Oregon Craft Beer Month events in your area at the Oregon Brewers Guild.