Things to do in Portland: 2008 Holiday Ale Festival

It’s free to get into the 2008 Holiday Ale festival and then you can buy a mug and tickets for beer tastings (Who does that? Really?) or to fill your mug with some yummy Oregon craft beer. Per the festival website, they need volunteers. 2008 Holiday Ale Festival volunteers get a limited edition long sleeve t-shirt, souvenir mug, free entry into the event, and 12 beer tickets. Volunteers who work a back-to-back shift get an additional 16 tickets for a total of 28 tickets.
I’m trying to imagine what shape I would be in after redeeming 28 beer tickets. It’s probably not too far off how I’ll be after spending eight of them.
2008 Holiday Ale Festival
Pioneer Courthouse Square
701 SW 6th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97205