where are you?

As we move through life, we’re often lucky enough to make the kind of friendships that last forever… that last a lifetime. Through all of our ups and downs, these are the people are there for us- we can count on them for anything.
But what happens when you find such a friend, and then you lose them?
Sometimes we fall out of touch with those we love. People grow up, get married, have kids, get divorced, move, switch jobs- any one of these things can lead to the loss of a friend. But when your energy is spent only on making heart friends; when you have fun with acquaintances but dismiss the thought of anything deeper, how do you explain losing someone who once meant so much?
As I continue to plow through my 30’s, thinking about the future and where we’ll all be in 30 years, I often think, I hope I’m lucky enough to retire near my friends. Or that at least, we’ll continue to travel together, and still see each other, once in a while. Thinking about how we’ll live out those years and starting to give the future some due consideration, I have to wonder about the people that I’ve lost over the years.
The ones I thought would be on the deck chair beside me in my twilight years. The ones I thought would still be teasing me about my snorting giggle and the ones who would still be getting silly after one too many margaritas. There are a few who slipped through the cracks, and they’ve left a terrible void. If you’re out there lurking and you feel the same way, let me just say this:
I miss you. I hope it wasn’t something that I did wrong. And I hope to see you again, one fine day.