things you should never say on a blog

A couple of what another blogger termed “highly personal” blogs and a raft of comments, and I found my niche: a mix of local happenings, yeah, but also some “other” stuff mixed in. Because apparently, I just don’t have the discipline to talk only of things related to the region. It’s cool. I’m happy with the blog as a whole and rather surprised that I have so many posts now.
Over the years, I have sometimes met people who read the blog, which always makes me stop and wonder: What exactly have you read on the blog? Are you, right now, remembering something that I wrote? Something really embarrassing? Or just slightly quirky?
And I’ve learned a few things over the past three years. Like some things that you should never say in a blog:
“I like giving gifts.”
“I still have your t-shirt.”
“I fall in love a lot.”
I’ve had some interesting input from the readers, too. This, as it turns out, is really the best part of the blog- hearing from you.
Most surprising comment from a reader: “I read posts from your blog to my seminary students.” We can only assume that they filter for content.
Funniest comment from a reader: “I hate it when people start blogs and then just write about whatever they want.” Move along, son; there’s nothing for you here.
Most “ouch, ya got me” comment from a (long-time) reader. “I don’t know if I would have posted that about your ex-friend. Maybe you should just talk to her, instead.” - A comment that actually resulted in my deleting a blog post, something I’ve only done three times in three years. Each time, I worried that something I wrote might offend someone (the wrong someone), so I removed the post in question. Otherwise, no regrets.
Moving into a New Year, I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your readership. You keep me on the straight and narrow.
Well, you keep me on the narrow.
Best Wishes for the New Year, dear readers.